Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blogs About Blogging?!

So in my search for blogs I actually discovered that google has an official blog. Not only do they have a google blog, but they actually have a blog about google reader!! I thought this was really interesting because it is obviously something we are using and we can look at it to learn more about how to use google reader and become better bloggers and blog followers. It was neat to look at because people really do like die-hard follow google things and you can see where they left comments about new features and stuff like then then they would comment again saying google fixed whatever the problem or suggestion was. I though that was really neat to think that we can actually kind of interact with google. very cool.


Jim said...

I followed your link and found how to create something called a blog roll on my blog. Thanks

Anonymous said...

That's pretty cool. The blog should prove useful for hints from fellow googlers. I use googledocs to write group papers and work on presentations, so being able to blog with people who do the same will really help. I love google, they're always on top of stuff.