Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Campaign K-12

So the political blog that I chose to follow is the campaign K-12 blog. This blog is about the politics as they relate to kids and people our age. It talks a lot about what all the politicians thoughts and plans are concerning shcool systems, the no child left behind policy, and other items dealing with k-12 education. It is really neat to see these issues put out there in an organized way like this being so easily accesible becasue right now, with the economy in such bad shape, these issues aren't at the forefront of conversations.

These blogs are very different than the ones I have looked at in the past. Other non-professional blogs are structured very differently. The posts on these political blogs aren't full of opinions and just fluff. They are more based on fact, or are supposed to be, and have links to the facts that they talk about within the posts. The posts are actually there for thoughtful discussion not just yeah I like that thing that thats about. It has a big side bar full of links that relate to the topic and places where the information from the posts comes from. The posts aren't always done by the same person. Sometimes they have guest writers who put up posts, which is interesting to read. In that way it keeps the point of view different and can also possibly counteract having the blog be biased one way or the other.

An issue on this blog that I found interesting had to do with the economic situation our country is currently in and what Obama desires to do about it. He says that he wants to create a 25 billion dollar fund to rebuild schools and roads and things like that. He says that this will open up one million or more new jobs for the everyday person who faces losing their job because of the economic crisis we are in. I thought this was an interesting plan because it's not just giving money away to try and stimulate our economy its creating jobs and options for people who have no where else to go to turn to. Nothing is exactly set in stone yet of course but this will be something I will enjoy seeing how it plays out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Campaign K-12 seems almost like a database for up to date political topics. I appreciate when blogs are more thought provoking than opinionated, and when resources are hyperlinked. I checked out the blog and found the entries reader-friendly and easy to understand. I also noticed the sidebar with related links and found that very useful! I like to backup/compare the information with other website's information. All in all, it's a pretty good site, thanks for sharing the link.