Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The 2008 Election!!

Of course you already know that on Tuesday, November 4th 2008 our country picked a new president: Barack Obama. This leads the way for many new changes and ideas. Two topics that this election will effect are the republican party as well as the global opinion.

First off, the republican party will of course be effected by this election. Coming off of a long line of republican presidents, this switch to a democratic leader signals a need to make changes. It is evident from the non-closeness of the race and the strong support from the younger crowd that the republicans need to change something if they want to stay in the race in the next few years, especially in this time of crisis. Over the past 8 years Bush, a republican who is supposed to be in favor of small governments, has augmented our government size and spending more than any other president in years. Over those past years we have entered into a time of economic crisis. It is only natural for the people to look for a new leader and leading party to fix what the previous had gotten them into. In these upcoming years the republican party is going to have to make cahnges to their policies and even ideas in some cases to give the people what they want and regain some favor with the public.

The global opinion of the United States will be affected by this election as well. All over the world people are becoming excited for Barack Obama to be our new president. Kenya even went so far as to make the day of his election a holiday. Surprisingly even some middle eastern nations are excited over Obama's presidency . They are optimistic that since he is willing to negotiate with foreign nations, enemy or not, that relations between all nations will become better.
Most foreign nations look forward to increased freindship between them all. In this time of global economic crisis friendly relations between nations are crucial to making negotiations and plans of action to try and end the situation that our world is currently faced with.

These two topics are only two of many different things that will be affected by the 2008 election. It is safe to say that we are embarking on a revolutionary four years at the least.